I'm interested to know if anyone has tried spying and creating objects around the SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence product?
I'm currently working on a project that uses this web-based application and for the most part I'm able to automate it using a combination of HTML and AA. However, I'm having some difficulty spying objects whenever the app opens a particular dialog box; in this case, selecting export for a particular report. When the export box opens I'm able to spy the elements in HTML and AA. However, when I close and reopen the box and attempt to highlight something, HTML elements throw back an exception, and AA elements completely crash Blue Prism, resulting in me having to close and restart everything.
I've tried numerous workarounds, including the mode in which the application launches (e.g. Embedded, External 32-bit, External 64-bit) and have tried changing the attributes of both the HTML elements and AA elements. It's always the same result however.
I'm convinced it's something to do with the dialog box that SAP opens, so I'm interested to know if anyone has encountered similar issues with SAP web applications, and if so, how they resolved them.