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Missing "Internal - Work Queues" BO in Blue Prism v7.3 Environment

Level 2

Hello Blue Prism Community,

I am currently facing an issue with the Work Queues functionality in Blue Prism version 7.3. In my environment, I am unable to locate the standard "Internal - Work Queues" Business Object that typically contains a set of actions for managing work queue items, including the "Get Next Item" action.

Instead, I only have access to a Business Object named "Work Queues - Desktop," which seems to have a limited set of actions, with only "Add to Queue" being available. This is preventing me from properly retrieving and processing items from the work queues in my processes.

I have attached screenshots of my Blue Prism environment showing the available Business Objects and the actions within the "Work Queues - Desktop" Business Object for your reference. Version of BP 7.3



Any guidance or assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated as I work to resolve this issue.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Best regards,

Bruno Candia.


Best Answers

Hi @brunocandia ,

What you are using is called Blue Prism Desktop which is a different environment that Blue Prism Enterprise even though both are accessible from the same Blue Prism Studio application as part of the latest offering that Blue Prism has now since v7.

Basically, what it means is you currently are working with a Blue Prism Desktop License which is focused on desktop-based automations where users are directly contributing to the running of a process, with the expectation that the automation runs consistently and successfully rather than an unattended RPA use case where workloads are processed in bulk and digital workers loop continuously, working case after case, operating in a clean, consistent, and unobserved environment.

In Blue Prism Desktop, we have a lot of differences from the standard Blue Prism Enterprise functionality which has been mentioned in details here. This clearly states the following point which is why you are unable to see the Work Queues business object:




Technically, one can have both Desktop and Enterprise license and simply switch between the two if you System Administrator has assigned you both of these licenses. To check what license you exactly have, navigate to System > System - License. The Active License field at the top of the screen displays which license type is applied.


If you are working in a dual license environment (one where both a Desktop and an Enterprise license are applied), you can design and test processes either for Desktop or Enterprise. When working with Desktop processes, click the BPD button in the Validation toolbar to switch on the Blue Prism Desktop debug mode.

When Desktop debugging is enabled, Process Studio works as if the environment has only a Desktop license applied:

  • All Desktop-only functions (for example, the Input stage, Output stage, and Enterprise Session stage types) are available and are considered during debugging.

  • In the Action stage, objects that are not relevant to Desktop are hidden.

  • Warning messages in the process validation tool will notify you when any Blue Prism Enterprise functionality that is incompatible with Desktop automations is included in the process.

When Desktop debugging is disabled, Process Studio works as if the environment has only an Enterprise license applied:

  • The Desktop-only functions are not available, and if the process was imported from a Desktop-only environment, error messages warn if the process includes any of these functions.

  • All Action stage objects are available.

Hope it helps you out and if my solution resolves your query, then please mark it as the best answer

Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Process Automation Consultant | Technical Business Analyst,
WonderBotz India Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Prism Community MVP | Blue Prism 7x Certified Professional


View answer in original post


Hi @brunocandia ,

What you are using is called Blue Prism Desktop which is a different environment that Blue Prism Enterprise even though both are accessible from the same Blue Prism Studio application as part of the latest offering that Blue Prism has now since v7.

Basically, what it means is you currently are working with a Blue Prism Desktop License which is focused on desktop-based automations where users are directly contributing to the running of a process, with the expectation that the automation runs consistently and successfully rather than an unattended RPA use case where workloads are processed in bulk and digital workers loop continuously, working case after case, operating in a clean, consistent, and unobserved environment.

In Blue Prism Desktop, we have a lot of differences from the standard Blue Prism Enterprise functionality which has been mentioned in details here. This clearly states the following point which is why you are unable to see the Work Queues business object:




Technically, one can have both Desktop and Enterprise license and simply switch between the two if you System Administrator has assigned you both of these licenses. To check what license you exactly have, navigate to System > System - License. The Active License field at the top of the screen displays which license type is applied.


If you are working in a dual license environment (one where both a Desktop and an Enterprise license are applied), you can design and test processes either for Desktop or Enterprise. When working with Desktop processes, click the BPD button in the Validation toolbar to switch on the Blue Prism Desktop debug mode.

When Desktop debugging is enabled, Process Studio works as if the environment has only a Desktop license applied:

  • All Desktop-only functions (for example, the Input stage, Output stage, and Enterprise Session stage types) are available and are considered during debugging.

  • In the Action stage, objects that are not relevant to Desktop are hidden.

  • Warning messages in the process validation tool will notify you when any Blue Prism Enterprise functionality that is incompatible with Desktop automations is included in the process.

When Desktop debugging is disabled, Process Studio works as if the environment has only an Enterprise license applied:

  • The Desktop-only functions are not available, and if the process was imported from a Desktop-only environment, error messages warn if the process includes any of these functions.

  • All Action stage objects are available.

Hope it helps you out and if my solution resolves your query, then please mark it as the best answer

Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Process Automation Consultant | Technical Business Analyst,
WonderBotz India Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Prism Community MVP | Blue Prism 7x Certified Professional


Thank you for the comprehensive explanation regarding the differences between Blue Prism Desktop and Blue Prism Enterprise, and for clarifying why the "Internal - Work Queues" Business Object is not available in my current environment.

I now understand that with a Blue Prism Desktop license, certain functionalities are tailored for desktop-based automations and direct user involvement, which differs from the unattended automation capabilities provided by Blue Prism Enterprise.

I appreciate your help and the screenshots you've provided, which have been very helpful in understanding the situation.