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Sending Meeting/Calnder Invite to specific recipient via MAPIex/Outlook VBO

Level 2
Hi BP team, Needed your inputs if BOT can Send Meeting/Calender  Invite to specific recipient via MAPIex/Outlook VBO. Also, if the invite needs to be reshduled on need basis , can BOT will go and try to reschedule same invite instead of creating an new meeting invite in calender. NEed your quick inputs on same. Thanks

Level 12
Sounds like this is what you're looking for:…   A new action would need to be added to either object in order to handle it - the Outlook VBO might be easiest to work with in that regard, since it doesn't leverage a custom dll. To modify an existing meeting, it might take some extra work. First, check here on how to find said meeting (assuming you don't already know the direct reference for it):…   . You should then be able to modify the event using something similar to the For Each found here:…  .