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Separating one document from a batch

Level 2
Hello community,

A question regarding separating one or more documents from a batch:

I've two Verify Users who verify documents. They're both responsible for verifying their own documents. However, the documents they verify are very similar - and therefore is batched together in the same Batch Type, is the same Document Type and has the same Document Form Definition (since they both benefit from having the same Machine Learning Model).

My question is, is it possible to somehow separate one or more documents from the batch and put it into a new batch - after is has been pushed to Decipher IDP?

The closest thing I've been able to find is the option to separate documents with high confidence data into a new batch before data verification. But since the documents are so similar, they both have a high confidence. 

Any comments or inputs would be great,
Thanks in advance.

Hi Nikolai,

I'm sorry, it is not currently possible to split a batch in Decipher to be handled by different users. I can see the benefit though and it would be worth adding this to our Ideas page (In Communities, go to the top of the page>Innovate>Submit An Idea).

In the mean time, you would have to submit these different documents as different batches, under the same batch type as you currently do. Is it possible for you to separate these documents prior to uploading them to Decipher?


Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based