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Some Robot schedules not running

Level 5
Hello, I have an issue with some of my robots where the schedule is not starting on some of my robots. I have followed through the schedule FAQ on the site , and the setup is fine. I can see the connections in the Resource PC , but no schedules are starting. Should the robots be able to ping the Blue Prism SQL server or is it just the App server they need to connect to ?

Hi Stephen - resources should only be connected to the app server, one of the main points of BP Server is that you don't need to spread DB connection details to all resource PCs. Re scheduler, maybe check the ports on the app server and resource PCs (8199 and 8181 by default) to confirm there is no blockage in either direction?

Level 5
OK , I understand , thanks. When i'm looking at the Blue Prism Resource window for a robot , it is showing two connections Application Server Robot Controller Is this normal ?

Level 5
I've had the robot user profile rebuilt to see if it was a corrupted profile that's stopping the jobs from running. When i restart the resource the following error is shown system.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name :'System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream'. at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.get_DataAvailable() at BluePrism.AutomateAppCore.clsListener.clsListenerClient.ReadInput() at BluePrism.AutomateAppCore.clsListener.ListenThread()

Seeing 2 connections is normal, one is from BP Server and the other looks like its from the Control Room machine. I don't know what the error message implies I'm afraid - best contact the support team I think.