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Level 2
Hi I'm trying to spy one line of text in a PDF document (document contains only one page), using Adobe Reader Version 10.1.14, which is perfectly recognized by the Accessibility mode. But unfortunately I'm getting the following error: "There was an error during the spying operation. Details: System.ApplicationExcpetion: The window spied was not found in the model at BluePrism.AMI.clsAMI.Spy(clsElementTypeInfo&elementType, List`1&identifiers) at Automate.frmIntegrationAssistant.HandleSpyOrLaunchClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)" Did anyone experience this error as well? If you have any idea how to solve this issue, every help is appreciated. (System requirements: Win 7, 64bit, Blue Prism version 4.2.19) Many thanks, Andri

Level 4
Hi All, I am also unable to spy scanned PDF document. The error ""There was an error during the spying operation"" is being throws on every attempt. Could someone suggest what i am missing? Thanks,

Level 7
Hi All, I have worked with PDF [Adobe.11.0] and faced no problems while spying it.I'm able to read text by Region and Accessibility mode as well.While launching PDF reader pass the path of PDF file which you want to open in ""CommandLineParams"". The error ""There was an error during the spying operation."" usually occurs when BP is not attached to the application. Regards, Ravinder Singh