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Spying in chrome

Level 5
Hi, Query1: I am not able to fetch table format data from chrome. Query2: I have launched chrome using "navigate" stage and i want to resize that window. But since in my system, other chrome application was already opened, blue prism is not able to identify which window should be resized. So, I am getting error like 'not connected'. But same scenario(One instance of IE was already present. later i have launced new IE and new IE was resized) is working in IE. Query3: I have captured text box using ActiveAccessibility mode and i am not able to write data using "write" stage in chrome but in IE , I am able to write text in that text box. Please help me out!!

Level 3
Chrome is not supported by BP.

Level 9
About Query3, Write Stage doesn't work. So, use Foucs and Global Send Key of Navigate Stage. Hope it helps.

Level 15
Hello, I have answered this exact topic on the forum a couple of times before, it is always worth searching the forum before asking a question.  I searched for Chrome and this top result had my most resent answer :…  

Level 2
Hi Charishma,  How you spied the elements in chrome using AA mode, have you done any configurations in blue prism.  Can you please explain in detail about that scenario.