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System out of memory in SAP

Level 3
Hi, Application: SAP SAT - SAP GUI 7.50 Hardware (Runtime Resource): 4 GB RAM Blue Prism ver: 5.0.33   When I have a collection of transactions with ~15 field and 100-150 rows, I get system out memory exceptions in SAP. The error occurs when doing FB50 (journal entries) and specifically when inserting the transactions in the data table.  The interaction with SAP first gets really slow, especially having issues with the Global Send Keys action when inserting the amount and (max 40 characters) free text (the strings contains characters not allowed in ordinary write-stage). This escaltes to Global Send Key not writing all characters in the fields. Then, after approxiamtely 60 transactions (i.e. rows in the data table), the exception is thrown. Due to the inconsiderable size of the collection, I'm perplexed with what causes the memory allocation.    All help is greatly appreciated!

Level 5
Hi jlo, I came across similiar problem but not in BP, only using SAP scripting. With each 'transaction' SAP was slower, slower and after some time even human would do those activities faster... Solution for me was, to open new SAP window, close old one and start to work in new SAP session. It should be easy to manage in which session BP should work. Rgrds, L

Level 3
Thank you for your reply L.Kiciak, I have some follow up questions; Re. close SAP window, did you completely end the process saplogon.exe, end the server session, or just end the SAP transaction (e.g. FB50)? Furthermore, did you apply the garbage collector before opening the new window? Did you save and continue on the old transaction or did you restart from scratch?  

Level 5
1) I was thinking about: open new sap session (e.g. CTRL+N), when a new window pops up, close the previous session and continue process in the new one. But closing SAP completly  would be another option ;) 2) It's the first time when I hear about 'Garbage Collector' and I think it's made by SAP itselfs (but I am not an expert) 3) I'm not sure if I understood corectly, I would start from opening TCode in new session. The question is how much time would it takes you to change your objects and adjust them to dynamic path due to changing SAP sessions. To get a quick win, terminate and launch will be ok :) Rgrds, L

Level 3
Thank you again for your replies! I will apply this solution and get back with the result.

Level 2
Hi Jlo, I have an exact same issue.Could you please confirm if you find any solution for this issue, please.

Level 3
It can confirm that this fix did not resolve the issue. There seems to be some serious issues with memory leaks using SAP GUI Scripting on the tables, causing .NET Framework to throw the exception.  If anyone knows how to mitigate this, it would be much welcomed.

Level 2
Could you please add Detach in SAP login business Object after SAP login? It resolved all my SAP Memory issues.

Level 2
I suffered with same issue and I did below test Launch and login to SAP though our common BO and then just minimised SAP window and observed in Taskmanager Automate.exe  started consuming lot of memory with out doing anything. Now added detach at the end of my Login BO and attach when ever I needed in subsequent BO's issue is resolved I am able to upload more than 500 records into SAP grid without any issues.

Level 3
Thank you for very much for your reply Eswar!   I can confirm that your fix resolved all of my issues!