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The demise of the Escape key in favor of the Cancel button

Level 12
In version 6.5, where we are today, I can press the Escape key to cancel windows for properties for actions and parameters. You can also click the Cancel button but in many cases it is quicker to press Escape a number of times than looking for each Cancel button and clicking them. The Cancel buttons are by nature always on a different place on the screen and in my installation the cursor will not automatically be placed on the default button, in spite of my Windows settings dictating just that. So I have always been quite happy with the ability to press Escape instead of clicking Cancel.

While testing version 6.10, I noticed that some of the Cancel buttons no longer can be replaced by pressing  the Escape key, instead, a real Cancel click is required to get back one step. I find the de-activation of the Escape key in BP6.10 highly annoying and not an improvement compared to our older version.

My questions:
  1. Is this altered behavior of the Escape key planned or accidental?
  2. If the latter: will it be improved upon?
  3. If the former: can you share the analysis that lead to this decision?
Happy coding!
Paul, Sweden
(By all means, do not mark this as the best answer!)

Level 15
I doubt it was planned.... maybe raise with the support team that product hotkey behavior has mistakenly been removed by the Blue Prism product team with the newer release.