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To import Standard templates in Process studio

Level 3

How to import the standard templates in process studio. Please provide me the procedure to import the templates.

For example i need to use excel file to input the data

Sinduja ravi

Level 14
Are you referring to the templates that Blue Prism made and you're not sure how to import? Or you know how to import but you're asking where to find standard templates?

Dave Morris
3Ci @ Southern Company
Atlanta, GA
Dave Morris 3Ci at Southern Company Atlanta, GA

​Yes I need to know how to import the templates already made by Blue Prism.

Sinduja ravi

On that page, there are some templates you can download, but I don't know if there is one specifically for what you need. Might as well check though.

For excel, the common pattern is to do these order of actions (I may have the spelling wrong on the action names because I'm typing this from memory because I'm lazy):
  1. Create Instance
  2. Show (optional)
  3. Open Workbook
  4. Get Worksheet as Collection (there are a couple of these actions to choose from)
  5. Close Instance (or Close All Instances)

Dave Morris
3Ci @ Southern Company
Atlanta, GA
Dave Morris 3Ci at Southern Company Atlanta, GA