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Unable to Navigate->Attach using Window Titles collection

Level 4
When trying to attach to an instance of iexplore, I am putting into the Windows Titles collection, the string in the tag of the (which is also the text shown in the tab).  However, the stage throws an exception saying "Target application could not be identified".  Why isn't the instance if IE attaching?  There is only one IE running with the page I want (no other tabs). I am using BP v6.3.1.7631

Level 12
One of my coworkers is claiming to have run into this before, as a result of there being too many files in %temp% . Try clearing that out and see if it helps.

Level 4
It's pretty basic.  

Level 12
Found someone on StackOverflow claiming that if you make the same key in HKLM instead of HKCU and set it to String instead of DWORD and set the value to Medium , it may fix it.

Level 4
Ok, tried that.  TabProcGrowth is in both User and Local Machine as 0 (DWORD) and Medium (String), respectively. Still have the same issue: 'Launch' - There are no more files. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070012)