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Unable to cleanup failed debug sessions

Level 2
Hello, I am having trouble in mye production enviornment where every hour Blue Prism chrashes and stops working with the following error message:


Unable to cleanup failed debug sessions
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_BPASessionLog_NonUnicode_BPASession_pre65". The conflict occurred in database "RPA_PRD", table "dbo.BPASessionLog_NonUnicode_pre65", column 'sessionnumber'.
The statement has been terminated.

This all began after we startet housekeeping by deleting Session Logs older than 90 days. The process that runs the housekeeping scripts have been stopped, but the error keeps occuring. The method for archivating (deleting) the session logs is through the built in AutomateC.exe command prompt. 

Has anyone experiences somethimg similar and/or know how I can proceed to solve the issue?

Hi August,

We have a Knowledge Base article with a couple suggested resolutions for this error here: "Why do I get error "DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint" when using the Automatic Archiving feature?".

You can either remove the data from the "_pre65" table if you no longer require it (these are logs from versions prior to Blue Prism v6.5), or open a ticket with us to request a migration script to move the "pre_65" logs to the primary logging tables.