22-02-23 06:18 PM
Hi All,
I am searching for sub-processes vs wrapper object concept. I search for it on google & gets a community link but unable to access it. It throws error - you are not eligible to view this message & then this message as well disappears. Could someone tell me what's wrong with the access or anyone has this link they can forward me.
Attaching both the screenshot & i am logged in to the community portal as well.
27-02-23 09:39 AM
Here's the direct link to the thread. Seems to work fine for me when clicking through Google. Maybe a transient Community issue? 🤷♂️
27-02-23 01:16 PM
Hi Eric,
Still the same with the link you sent: '...not eligible to view...'.
Happy coding!
27-02-23 03:22 PM
That's very strange. Are you a member of the Robotic Operating Model (ROM) sub-community? If not, you might try joining that sub-community and then see if you can access the thread.
@Kevin Barnes @Grace-Lanser - Any idea what might be going on here?
27-02-23 03:48 PM
Hi all thanks for flagging to me @ewilson
Thank you for your patience @sapna soni and @PvD_SE
This thread was posted in the old ROM Hub community area which has now been replaced with our new ROM HUB. We are migrating the old ROM Hub's content over to a public area on the community, until this is complete there will be some issues in accessing this content. I've just moved this particular thread into the RPA Product community so you will be able to access it here Sub process vs Objects wrapper | Robotic Operating Model, please let me know if you are able to access it now.
Apologies for any inconvenience,
All the best,
27-02-23 04:06 PM
Thanks everyone for all your prompt & instant reply. I am now able to access. Many thanks for your help 🙂