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Unable to spy the element in Web based application

Level 2
Hi We have been trying to spy a button which is a DIV in a web based application. We have tried all the spying modes. However, there has been no luck. The mouse pointer seems to be elsewhere whereas the highlighted portion is somewhere else. We welcome any suggestions which we may try.

Level 2
Rishiarien, I've ran into this issue multiple times and seem to have found the root cause. For me, I was attempting to spy the print dialog overlay from an internet explorer browser. When the overlay is displayed, a new process is created with the title 'iexplore.exe*32', which is out of scope of your configured IE web application looking for just 'iexplore.exe'. If you enter your registry keys for internet explorer (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main) add or update a record for 'TabProcGrowth' of type REG_DWORD to a value of 0. Hope this works!