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Forum Posts

Unable to interact with SAP table

Hi,  I am working on SAP application wherein i have a  table with multiple entries with certain number of columns and rows. I need to select a particular option and click on it to navigate to next page. When i am trying to spy, it is getting identif...

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Bag of words method in BP

Has anyone solved a case for scanning multiple text or pdf files for keywords and identified those files that contain the predefined list of words? i.e. Automating the bag of words method with BP Thank you.  

Unable to spy the element in Web based application

Hi We have been trying to spy a button which is a DIV in a web based application. We have tried all the spying modes. However, there has been no luck. The mouse pointer seems to be elsewhere whereas the highlighted portion is somewhere else. We welc...

Issue while importing CSV int EXCEL

Hi Team, This is regarding an issue while importing a csv into excel. I am facing an issue in importing csv to excel via excel VBO. I did this successfully. But the problem is the imported csv datas are not in text format. This means they loose tra...

Hijri (Islamic Date) Convert VBO

Problem Statement:  Convert today€™s date to Hijri Date(Islamic Calendrer). Excel is giving correct date but when we copy date it convert to original date.   Solution: We have create reusable module to convert today€™s date to Hijri Date.   Passi...

Account Information

I would like to change my email address to an different one so that I would get notifications on the responses and also the receipt for the certifications. Can any of guys please suggest me how to change the email address as I was trying to change in...

Regarding issue in production of one application

To make an account Active from Disable using drop down due to behaviour of the application sometimes its work and sometimes not .I tried through the both the mode AA mode and HTML mode but from the process it working fine but whenever i start the sch...

AMI error occurred in WaitStart Stage

Hi, Can anyone please sugegst on error at wait stage  : 5 consecutive retries: AMI error occurred in WaitStart Stage 'Element Exists?' on page 'page' - Not Connected Please suggest . Thanks, Sandeep   

Unable to Get Email (MAPIEx)

Hi,   As part of the process, we are developing we have used the get email action (Blue Prism MAPIEx VBO). We never faced any issue using it earlier neither we did this time when we are doing our Unit Testing. However, when moved it to a differen...