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Usecase Idea: RPACULT2020|Capability Exploration| Intelligate |Blue Prism

Level 10

The "Intelligate" as  @Shashank Kumar calls it, is a very interesting use case by utilizing the power of #blueprism #rpa and #IOT together . This use-case promotes #diy and #innovation.


This project deals with counting the number of people entering/exiting in enclosed spaces. The aim of this project is to automate the task of staff in managing the crowd to maintain social distancing protocols. A live feed from #Wyze IP Cam is sent to BluePrism Digital Worker for counting people entering/exiting the space. The bot calculates the number of people inside at real-time using computer vision and transmits the data to ThingSpeak IOT channel. The #ThinkSpeak #IOT triggers a tweet whenever the people count exceeds maximum limit which the staffs can monitor on their mobile devices. An Arduino microcontroller connected with ESP8266 and LCD screen is used to retrieve feed from the ThingSpeak IOT channel to provide visual indication at the entry gate whenever the building has reached its maximum capacity.

RPACULT2020|Capability Exploration| Intelligate |Blue Prism

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RPACULT2020|Capability Exploration| Intelligate |Blue Prism
This use case was presented by Shashank for The "RPACULT" 2020 in Blue Prism Tool category. He was awarded by "Honorary Mention - Capability Exploration" in ...
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#rpacult #shashak #intelligate #covid19 #microcontroller #thingspeak #rpatools #excelcult #covid19 #visitormanagementsystem #visitorcounter

Vivek Goel
Winners of "The" RPACULT 2020