06-04-23 02:40 PM
Is there a working VBO available for accessing Microsoft Graph API while using a Proxy?
I tried different things with the existing Graph VBO but i'm not able to use the Graph API inside BluePrism. When i'm using the same requests in Postman (with proxy configured) then the API calls are working right.
06-04-23 04:33 PM
First question would be which Graph VBO/connector are you referring to? If it's actually a VBO as opposed to a Web API service definition, have you looked at the definition of the VBO? If so, you should see what they tend to use the Utility - HTTP VBO internally to execute the HTTP requests. There are proxy properties (i.e. Proxy URL, Proxy Username, and Proxy Password) exposed by it, so you could always set those values.
07-04-23 07:40 AM
I'm using the "Microsoft Graph - Authentication" VBO. The internal definition uses the "Utility - HTTP" VBO. I've set the credentials used for Proxy, but i'm always getting an error message (some kind of 4xx error).
07-04-23 10:59 AM
If you can share your POSTMAN vs Blue Prism configuration screenshots, it will be easier to debug further.
11-04-23 02:32 PM
In the VBO i've set the parameter
- Use Proxy: true
- Proxy URL
- Proxy Username
- Proxy Password
but i always get this error "The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required." in return. It seems that my proxy username and proxy password are ignored.