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Using MS Edge with Internet Explorer mode

Level 2
Hi, i am not using a version of BP that supports Edge and the web application i use will only open in Edge (as corporate IT system rules dictates). I have tried using Edge with internet explorer mode and to an extend it helps but not all the way: if the application modeller is set to launch the application it works fine (as if i am using internet explorer). However if the object application modeller is set to use an existing browser, it will not activate HTML mode or recognise pages spied using IE earlier. Anyone had a similar issue and found a solution?

Hi Onur,

Firstly, I would like to call out that IE mode for Edge is not officially supported by Blue Prism yet. We are working on the background to certify various Blue Prism versions as we speak. This means issues like this cannot be looked at by our support team yet.

I did have a go at this myself but I have not had any issue attaching at all. In my testing, I tested two scenarios:
  • Used the Environment VBO to launch the browser and attach using BP.
  • Use BP to launch and then attach.
That being said, there are a few things you can validate from your end:

  1. Make sure when you have the Edge browser launched, IE mode is being applied to the website in question. You should see an IE icon next to the address bar. If you do not see it, you must validate your configuration. If things do not look the same, you should seek IT assistance. See below for an example of me launching in IE mode for Edge:36301.png
  2. You must configure Blue Prism using Internet Explorer mode, instead of the modern browser mode. 36302.png
  3. When you fill in "Process Name", you must use "msedge".

  4. When you fill in "Path", you use the path to the executable of your "msedge.exe" on your local system, e.g. I have the following on my computer C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe.
If you can get the above checked out, you should be able to use Internet Explorer mode offered by Blue Prism.
Hope this helps.

Level 2
Hi - thanks a lot for this Bruce! I have succeeded to this far just fine if i select application modeller to Launch the application however not when attaching to an existing browser. Have you by any chance succeeded that too?


Hi Onur,

Just to confirm if it was not clear. I had no issue when attaching. Just that you need to attach to msedge instead of iexplore. But you may need to attach to iexplore for any 
Win32 related elements you wish to capture, e.g. "Save As..." dialogue box, or alert popup and etc.

Level 2
Many thanks, figured out that the i was going wrong in using Child Index, making it blank solved the issue.