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Utility_image Search

Not applicable
I am using Utility €“ Image Search object to find a image within another image. Have taken a run time snap shot of application stored in a data item(Snapshot) and have the image to be searched for in another data item(Searchelement). Both the data items were passed to Image search object using action stage. Action stage returns X and Y coordinates value as "-1" and found flag as false. Not sure where I have gone wrong. Is there anything else to be taken while using image search object ? Thanks in advance !

Level 15
If the Find Image action is returning false when you are sure by visually looking yourself that the sub-image exists within the main image, it is worth checking the images a bit closer to see if there are extreamly small color differences. We have had experience where colors in applications change due to different VDI server graphic cards etc. Try using Find Image with a higher color tolerence. It is also worth experimenting with the Find Image single color action - and match on Black only (ensuring the image you are searching for is unique if only searching based upon that one color).

Level 15
Hello, If you cannot find the functionality you want within our VBOs you may need to create your own extension object with additional code stage logic to do what you want (we try our best but cannot cover every use case!) I needed to do something similar in Excel recently, where I needed to insert an image from a file. My code stage contained the following: Dim MySht as Object = GetInstance(Handle).ActiveSheet Dim MyPic as Object = MySht.Shapes.AddPicture(Image_Path, False, True, 0, 0, -1, -1) So maybe something similar can be done with the MS Word VBO - experiment and see. There is a guide in the Product area of the portal about creating code stages if you have not done it before. Most of the 'how to' answers are in the internet.