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VM freezes during process run - cpu usage is 100% during a part of the run

Level 2
Hello everyone, 

I'm hoping to get some help on an issue that I've been stuck on. During a run of a process that involves clicking on several links of a system in Chrome and reading some information from them, the VM freezes. When the VM has frozen and I open Task manager, it takes about 1-2 minutes for it to be shown, then the CPU usage shown is 100% and the WMI Provider host process is the culprit for this. When I stop the process, the CPU usage goes back down to about 20%. 

I have 2 identical VBOs that do the following: open a tab in the system in Chrome, Global Send Keys Ctrl+F, type in some text, Global Send Keys ESC, then Global Send Keys TAB, then Global Send Keys Enter and then read a text from a field. After that, Global send Keys for Ctrl+W to get back to the main system. Then click on another tab and wait 10 seconds (hard coded to allow time for page loads and for the system to be able to respond). The only difference in the VBOs is the text that is supposed to be found on the page. When the process is run and the first VBO runs, there are no problems nor delays. The second VBO is set to run immediately after the first. When the second VBO runs, at the end of it, when it's supposed to click on another tab in this system, the VM freezes. 

I've restarted the VM after each run. Here are the steps I've tried so far: 

- Run the process on another VM that is connected to the same BP server.

- Tried an unattended run via login agent and the scheduler.

- Disabled Chrome's hardware acceleration setting. 

- Tried clicking on the Chrome system's reload button first. 

- Tried checking the WMI logs in the Event Viewer for a Process ID after each run but this has not led me to a conclusive result - it was shown as "vmtoolsd.exe" first, then on the second run it was the BP Login Agent, then it was a process ID that I couldn't find in the Task Manager. 

When I try to do these steps manually, there are no issues and the VM does not freeze. The BP version used is 6.8. It might be worth noting that another process  on the same VM that is on prod accesses the same online system (its prod version that is absolutely identical to the test one), only from Firefox instead of Chrome and there are no freezes there, even when it has to navigate the same 2 tabs as this process. 

Thanks for reading. Any help would be appreciated.

Stefan Danov
RPA developer

Level 4
Hi Stefan!

Hope you are doing well. I face a similar issue like you mentioned. When my process runs from control room, the CPU usage hits 100% and the VM gets disconnected and we have to manually login to the resource and terminate the process.
Did you resolve this issue? 
Kindly advise. Thanks in advance!

Janu RPA Developer