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WCF vs .NET Remoting in documentation

Level 4
Hi all,

I am doing some studying for the Installation Engineer exam.

My understanding is that .NET Remoting is superseded by WCF.  I feel like the documentation around WCF and .NET is missing clarity, and would like to clarify some points.

The document "v6 Data Sheet - Selecting a BP Server Connection Mode" explicitly states that its about the Operation Communications between the Application Server and the Runtime Resources and Interactive Clients.

The document "v6.3 Data Sheet - Securing Network Connectivity" has a reference to WCF in the section " Blue Prism connections to Application Server" but then at the bottom of the same page it refers to more information about .NET remoting.

Question 1:  Am I correct in saying that the reference to .NET remoting in this section is not relevant if a WCF is used?

In the same document in the sections " Instructional connections to Runtime Resources " and "Blue Prism Database Connection" talk about .NET and not about WCF.

Question 2: Am I correct in understanding, that even when WCF communications are selected, .NET remoting is still used for the Instructional Comms and DB Connections, rather than WCF?

I have another document (which I cant seem to find back on the portal in the documents section?) "v6.3 Reference Guide - Infrastructure". In the section called "Inter-component Communication" which seems to refer to WCF on the diagram, but then to .NET in the table underneath the diagram.

Question 3: Similar to question 1, where a WCF connection is used between the App Server and Runtime Resources / Int Client, the .NET connection is not relevant?

Many thanks,

Willem Borgesius
Technical Director
Europe/London & Amsterdam


Good questions and points.  Our position has changed a little.  Originally we were concerned Microsoft was going to deprecate .Net Remote so we pushed WCF.  WCF is a heavier protocol.  In some environments .Net Remote may still be a good choice.   I've also seen .NET Remote used for IC connections. 

Q1:  They cannot run concurrently.  The communication mode is chosen when you configure the App Server with the BPServer.exe utility. 

Q2:  This communication mode is between the IC/Runtime and the App Server only  It is either .Net Remote or WCF.  

Q3:  As with the previous answer one Communication Mode is chosen.  Technically you could use different Communication Modes on different App Servers.  Logistically that could be somewhat harder track.  Particularly if you are troubleshooting.  

Steve Waters
Platform Consultant
Blue Prism Professional Services

Thanks for the clarifications Steve, and I'm glad to hear that my understanding appears to be correct.

Willem Borgesius
Technical Director