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Was this done already...?

Level 4
Simple idea, no idea if implementable in reality. Possibly it's doable, but the computational impact on the Application Modellor might be too much? Recently had to build into an existing well established object in a code library and it was laid out well enough and named well enough to boot however, the application itself has unfortunately named/laid out pieces to interface with like multiple save buttons on multiple pages. The application tree has a rather large amount of items in it however. I was thinking it would be nice if you were able to spy something or have a separate function to spy something and then the application modellor inform you if it already exists or even just give a close approximation that it already exists and the name of the item in the tree you are looking for to investigate against. I've implemented something in VBA that does the job after I have spied something so I know it's doable to add in however the computation of it is lengthy (ergo possibly not worth it). Just a stray thought. Thought I'd add it in here see what others thought. -Dex

Level 5
When considering the above, please ensure that there is a way of switching this off. There are systems/websites where elements would be identical or almost identical, except for x,y coordinates on the screen. I therefore wouldn't want to get a warning message every-time a similar element is spied.

Level 7
As Ivan said, you may want, and we commonly do, spy elements multiple times with various match attribute criteria