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We have multiple line items that are not visible at once on the screen. Unable to select single line item or row based on the parameter(identity column).

Level 2
Hi Team,

We are automating a browser(chrome) based application having multiple line items with a check box.

  • We have tried Browser mode - unable to focus or click the line item or row using this method. 
  • We have tried UiBased mode - able to click but it is unable to select or focus the row which is not visible on the screen.
    • Since we have multiple rows - all the line items are not visible at once.
  • Tried to implement JavaScript - we don't have unique web attributes.

How do we select a single row based on an identity column (parameter)?

Below are the versions we are using
  • Blue Prism version - 6.10.4
  • Blue Prism browser extension - 6.10.4
  • Chrome version - 104
Please suggest any solution to identify the row.

Sudha Chaturvedula

Hey Sudha, I hope you are doing well. I have a couple of suggestions to try. 

In Browser mode, if you haven't tried, you can use a different method for clicking. For example, you could try global send keys to click the row if possible.

In all modes, you could try to highlight based on specific text. If one row for instance has text that always appears, you can try to match the element based on the text in the rows. 

Are you able to use any kind of inputs to move the screen before the next action? So in UiBased mode, you could send some commands (like the arrow keys) to move the screen so that the other rows are visible. 

I hope these suggestions give you a good place to start.
Jacob Clary Senior Product Support Engineer Blue Prism

Hello Sudha Chaturvedula,

Can you share a screenshot of the website with the elements and another screenshot with you trying to Spy on the object in your preferred mode? This can help the community see what the actual issue is. Without the bots are the items you are trying to work with interactable?  

I have left two KBs we send out when working with Browser automation that has multiple links to common errors, Best Practices as well as Blue Prism Courses on Browser Automation. You may find something in these links that were accidentally missed as well. 

Working with Modern Browsers

What are the key considerations when working with Modern Browser Automations?