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Web Chat

Level 2

Has anybody had any success accessing or Using the "Webchat". 

I have raised multiple tickets with Blue Prism, all of which I just get referred to the Web chat, which I have been unable to access/locate. 

If not, is there any way of actually communicating a problem to Blue Prism? Every issue that I have attempted to raise just gets directed to either FAQ's, the community, or the non-existent Webchat, all of which are unable to address the actual problem...



Level 2

Additionally, if anybody knows the answer to this...the problem I am having is that after I launch an exe. file, the launch button turns to the Identify button for 1-2 seconds before reverting back to the launch button. if I launch the file for a second time, I can then select the Identify button, but am unable to actually select or identify any elements. I have not changed any of settings, I've uninstalled/reinstalled, and tried using the application modeller with different applications (notepad, calculator, internet explorer, etc)

Hi @l.rollman ,

When they refer to web chat, they mean the chatbot on the main page:


Once you click it, you will get a little popup menu:




Andrzej Silarow


As to the issue you are describing @l.rollman I can help with that.

What is happening is that the applications you are launching, require attaching after launch... as the pipe connection established initially during launch is being forcibly terminated by the application.

This is the case with the Win11 apps you mentioned.

So basically, what you will need to do is to create a "Launch" action, and an "Attach" action in your object.

The attach action should not be published, and used as a page reference after launch.

Something like this:


The attach action itself, should look something like this:


hope this helps


Andrzej Silarow

Hi @Asilarow

Thanks for the detailed answers to both questions.

As for the Webchat, the Icon is not appearing when I log in to the main page of the customer portal. This is for both Microsoft Edge and Firefox. I have not yet tried any other browsers.

For the Launch/attach issue, thankyou very much for the solution. I am not sure what changed in the process as I had already used the Spy feature without issues earlier on the same day...

But thanks again, this is a far more satisfactory answer than I had expected.
