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Working with SubTables

Level 2
Hi, Anyone have any experience with having to spy out an application that has a subtable? I'm having to deal with that right now, and I'm having a lot of trouble getting it to spy a dynamic table with changing row counts. Not only that, I need to double click on each cell to active them so I can enter new information (or activate a drop down box). Everytime I attempt to spy it, it doesn't detect all the rows. I tried using both Navigators instead of just "Identify", but it doesn't work. The application does not open any sub application according to the Task Manager. Anyone have any ideas or technics that worked for them in the past they could share? Thanks!

Level 12
What kind of application is this in? Is it a browser? If so, you could probably get the HTML path of the subtable and modify the value in the application modeler. Otherwise, you may need to use Accessibility Mode to get to it. Likewise, if this element is within an iFrame, that may cause some identification issues. Assuming you can get the table though, you should be able to supply a dynamic value to another accessibility element to select the cell you need. I generally recommend using the "Focus" and then "Global Mouse Click Center" navigation types in sequential order.

Level 6
Can you share a screenshot of the website or a link?

Melissa G.

Hey Ami,

I'm new to Blue Prism, about two months of experience.

I have been working on a process to automate ticket management in ServiceNow. The bulk of information I've been accessing is inside of an IFrame which was impossible to spy using internet explorer as the browser. I switched to Chrome and was able to get my process working. However, every time I demo this to a manager or coworkers they say to use internet explorer not Chrome. I've tried explaining the issues I had (I even showed them what was going on with IE and the IFrame) and their go to response has been, "you must not be attaching properly". I know that it is attached properly so this is not the issue.

I was wondering if you could provide any guidance on how to get this process working in IE to appease them. Do you know if activating an IFrame will allow fields to be spied correctly? If worse comes to worst, I have the experience to write JavaScript scripts to perform the process. I'd just prefer to use the tools Blue Prism provides to make it easier for others to manage and update my process once I leave.

Harrison Warren
Intelligent Automation Analyst Co-Op