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Forum Posts

Spying web application pop-up windows

I am in the process of modeling a web application and as part of the process pop-up windows are required for confirmation messages. However when I try to spy for the elements of the pop-up windows (using any of the spying techniques) I get the follow...

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Development Federation | Securing Environment

Hello All, As seen in the v6 page, User-Based permissions are going to be included in a "future" release: Until that point, we'd like to see if federating either Bot Controlling or Development is something that can be i...

Email - POP3/SMTP - Including images in e mail body

Has anyone ever tried amending the Email - POP3/SMTP VBO to include images in the e mail body (and not as an attachment) when sending e mails? Our client has a requirement to structure the e mail body as follows: Image Text Image Text Image

Hello there!

Hi all, Just thought I'd pop by and introduce myself, since I do intend on posting here on a relatively regular basis :) I recently joined the Blue Prism team to manage our Customer Marketing efforts, that will involve our live events, webinars, ca...

Running Blue Prism 24x7

I have a process where request comes throughout the day. Should I schedule for 24x7 or is there a way to trigger the Bot based on some event.

SharePoint List OLEDB

Anyone had any luck using an OLEDB connection to a SharePoint list to perform updates? I have made a modified OLEDB Object to make a connection string "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;WSS;IMEX=1;RetrieveIds=Yes; DATABASE=http://sharepoint.yourdomai...

Remove retired objects and processes

Hi, How can retired objects/processes be removed entirely (or archived outside of the environment)? One of the reasons we would like to "clean up" the environment is because retired objects/processes still show up when making use of the "find refer...

Unhandled exception and Other

BP keep report unhandled exception ; BP keep report "An error occurred while refreshing the environment " Restart BP client , restart computer , the problem still exist.  BP Version 5.0.3  Anyone need details? I think it proboraly the same . 

How to call process as Asynchronous ?

Hi Team, I have a process which needs to be scheduled and it calls subprocess based on certain conditions. How can I make it asynchronous(it has to execute subprocess but control should proceed for next stages in main process) Example : 3 process ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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