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Forum Posts

Wsdl import failes in BP

Hello, Even though at first glance wsdl is correct and does not have issues importing definitions, but when choosing which Web Service methods will be used it has dublicate operation names and importing fails (unchecking dublicates and adding did no...

Log audit trail (GDPR)

Hi Due to GDPR our internal audit team has been requesting for a log audit trail. Meaning that we should be able to provide data, which users have accessed/viewed the logs. Any ideas if this is possible? We've been trying to find this in the system,...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

Color code the cells in excel workbook

I extracted the queue reports. Now i want the cells in the excel to be in color based on the cell value (Eg: All the completed cases must be in green, business exceptions in yellow). How can i achieve this color coding?

Automatic schedule script

Hi Team , I need a technical assistance from you. We ar trying to implement automatic scheduling script which reads the data fom source and automaticall scehdule the BOTs Happy to share if you need any additional information. Any script related t...

v6.3 loggin activation limitation

Hello all, I saw that BPv6.3 will bring the feature lets to limit the access to the different processes to the different users. I am wondering if there is predicted to implement the feature to limit the access to the resources by user. My point is...

KK1 by Level 3
  • 1 replies

Extract data from PDF Image files?

I have 50 PDF files with images in it. I would need to extract the data using OCR . The PDF files are NOT consistent format. How can we achieve this? Thanks a lot for your support.

MAPIEx Get Mail Greek Characters

Hi, I am trying to read Greek Characters from an email but the Data Item "Message Body" has a different type of characters. Are there any options to make sure the same characters are in the Blue Prism text data Item? Thank you, George.  

How to stop process using commands

What are the commands available to stop a running process from command window outside of blue prism control room? Is session id mandatory to kill or stop process through commands or is there any other commands to stop the process (like for ex: /kill...

Spying Adobe Reader Window

Hi, I'm got some trouble with highlight tool, even after launch when I try to identify the window, it doesn't work, and when I use identify tool it makes an error like in the pics.   System.ApplicationException: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been retur...