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Forum Posts

Problem MS Excel VBO

Hello, I have a problem with the use of MS Excel VBO, where I try to open an excel file, where I get this: Internal: the code stage could not be executed because the exception was thrown by the code stage: Exception has been thrown by the target o...

Xsd file for bprelease

Hello, I have 2 questions and will be happy if someone can help me: 1) Is the xsd (xml schema) file for the bprealeases available somewhere? The link in the xml : does not work? 2) I know it is possible to run the process form command line but it ...

KK1 by Level 3
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Blue Prism Closes on Highlight

HI All, The blue prism is getting closed abruptly while highlighting certain fields in Service-NOW(Ticketing tool)website. Blue Prism works absolutely fine with the other websites, where as only for this particular website we are getting this kind o...

Disaster Recovery Plans/Documentation?

Hey everyone, I was unable to find any disaster recovery documentation in the documents section. Does anyone know if BP has any prescribed DR procedures?   Thanks in advance!

Expose process or object as web service

Hi, Just looking to get some opinions regarding whether it's best to expose a process or an object as a web service for the following scenario: I want to create a connection with another application, which sends a SOAP request to Blue Prism wheneve...

MSSQL Database vs Open-Source Database

Hi!   I have a question. Why is the only SQL database that is supported mentioned to be MSSQL. Is it really so that all other, e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, are not supported? If Yes, then why?   Best regards, Gert 

Microsoft Cognitive service

Currently i am working on scanned images in PDF format , i need to extract the text from the scanned image but i cant . I am trying to use the Microsoft Cognitive services which uses OCR to extract text .i have gone through the documents but  need t...

How To Call BP Process Without Credential

I met an issue that an external application needed to call BP process. I found 2 solutions: one is calling process via command line like AutomateC /run "Excel Test" /resource YourPCHostName /user admin mypwd /startp " " ; the other is calling web se...

AI capabilities

Hi Team,   Does BP supports any true AI cognitive capability ? can it be integrated with Tensor flow , pytorch kind of AI frameworks ? Are there any existing use cases that you can share where AI has been integrated with RPA ?   Thanks, Sivabal...

Collection data pass into javascript

 I am trying to pass the collection values into javascript array/variable. "var a = new Array(); a=a.concat('"&[UserPermission.Permission]&"');" Using above syntax we are geting only single and first value. We want all values of collection in a arr...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Get Header text within textbox control from Word document

Hi I have a word document with header and footers. I need to read the text from header where the text is within a textbox control. We already have an action "Get footer text" in MS word VBO, but that's not working because my header/footer text is w...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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