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failed while inserting javascript

Level 3
Hey, I'm trying to insert a modified (commented out one line) javascript function to a browser application. Done that two times before without a problem. This time I'm getting: Failed while inserting javascript method:Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020101-> in mshtml.HTMLWindow2Class.IHTMLWindow2_execScript(String code, String language) in BluePrism.ApplicationManager.HTML.clsHTMLDocument.InsertJavascriptFragment(String MethodDefinition, String& sErr) Anyone's got an idea what's it about? Thanks

Not applicable
It seems the error is occurring because you selected the incorrect element to insert JavaScript fragment. Identify the body of the html page as an element and insert JavaScript to that element.Also ensure that your JavaScript code is working fine.

Not applicable
It seems the error is occurring because you selected the incorrect element to insert JavaScript fragment. Identify the body of the html page as an element and insert JavaScript to that element.Also ensure that your JavaScript code is working fine.

Level 3
Hey, Thanks for reply. The code works fine in the browser's console. Still getting the same error after inserting it to BODY element though. The function I'm trying to modify and insert is assign to a button's ""onclick="" if it makes any difference.

Level 3
UP, anyone?

Level 4
I'm struggeling with the same getting the exception: BluePrism.ApplicationManager.HTML.clsHTMLDocument.InvokeJavascriptMethod(String methodname, String jsonargs, Object& retval, String& sErr) Any progress or hint on how a javascript function can be inserted and then invoked? thank you very much 

Not applicable
I am also facing same issue while invoking javascript. Please guide me if any solution is availbale.