Hi Gabe,
Thanks a lot for your response. Agree with your suggestion of launching Blue Prism using the option "Run as different user". So would it be correct to conclude that using connection mode:
WCF Message Encryption with Windows Authentication, it would not be possible to connect to BP server when user has logged in to client VM using local account?
More details on my current setup:
- Have only 1 db connection that uses Windows authentication (service account : let's call it BP01 )to authenticate against database
- Have only 1 corresponding server connection (default) configured in the app server - BPserver.exe
- Running Blue Prism service with log as set to BP01
- Selected multi-authentication while creating database
- Enabled Active Directory Authentication in Sign-on Settings under Systems tab
- Added BP01 as System Administrator
- BP01 has admin permissions on the app server as well
- BP version: v7.0
I am not sure if above qualifies to be a true multi-authentication set up, although i did chose that option while creating the database. May I get your help to clarify a bit more on what would be the exact configuration requirement? The documentation says that multiple authentication environments (native+sso) can be configured, but only one can be accessed at a time. Does it mean that I need to configure separate connections for each type of authentication? It would be extremely helpful if you could provide some insight on how to set up a true multi-authentication environment or point me to document/guide where the steps are provided. The Online help document is helpful but does not provide configuration steps.
Thanks a lot for your help so far.
Shruti Taywade