25-11-22 08:31 AM
25-11-22 09:54 AM
Hi Ewa,
Without knowing the precise application or the manner in which it fails. It is pretty difficult to help you. But I have a couple of ideas.
If you are stepping manually through the process steps in your test enviroment:
Then the problem should simply be that the application isn't fast enough to take action when BluePrism runs its maximum pace. You could test for this in the control room were you can test the proces in both your production - and test enviroment (when I say enviroment I refer to the connection you select when you launch BluePrism).
If the application also fails here, it suggests that is somewere in the process you need a wait stage for the application. You can either used once were you wait for specific components to appear - or use a fixed wait stage (we use these down to 1 sec in rare cases with random errors in third party applications).
If your object rely on enviroment variable:
It may seems odd, if the application utilize enviroment variables (login details ect.) you should check and ensure they are the same.
28-11-22 09:14 AM
Hi Christian
Thank you for your suggestions. I modified the waiting stages and everything looks fine here. The problem is the application field, which for some reason in the production environment is not visible to Blue Prism and the robot cannot select it. I still have an idea for a change, it looks like differences between test and production application. I will try to change the selection of the field using keyboard shortcuts (global send keys).