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Level 3
Status: Planned

The PDF-reader in the academy is optimized to be used on one, rather small, screen. If I am reading them on my laptop the layout is pretty good. 
However, when I am at the office I plug my laptop in and use 2-3 normal monitors. 
As you can see from the attached picture, the reading area is relatively small on larger screens. The fullscreen-button opens the small area over the full screen, showing larger text, but not more text.

Early developer courses had downloadable PDFs in the end of the course, but later courses did not!

Please let us open all the files in a PDF-reader so that we may read them the way that is best for us.
1 Comment
Hi Mats

Thanks for posting this suggestion.   We are currently working on updating our PDFs to e-learning to improve the learning experience for our users.  Do you have any particular PDFs you'd like to see converted?

In the meantime we are also working on getting file downloads for all the PDFs.  Please let us know if you find any that are missing.

Many thanks
