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Status: Needs More Info

We need a convenient way to get a report about the utilization of our resources (virtual machines). The report should guide us in the planning of an optimized resource utilization. For example it can give us the time where the most machines are working in parallel (peek) and the time where are the most machines free and lying around (lazy time). With the report we should be able to plan the schedules in a more balanced way.


There should be a way( may be a tile/dashboard) to see % of license used for past months also. this will help in doing the forecasting analysis for license.
Currently what we can see is "at the moment" license usage in dashboard.

Level 1
this is great a functionality that should be already available since day 1

Hi @Stefan__Pappalardo,

Thanks for taking the time to raise an idea (4 years ago!) - it's recently hit 15 votes, so has triggered a Product Manager review of the idea and the problem it solves.

Can you help clarify for me where the current utilization reporting (that exists in the utilization tables in the database and can be shown in reports on the dashboard) differs from what you need today? Are you looking for predicted rather than actual utilization based on future schedules, or an enhancement to the historic reporting on actual utilization to better suit your organization's needs?

Looking forward to your response - I'm going to update this to Needs More Info for the moment.



Hi Robert,

We need a convenient way to get a report about the utilization of our resources (virtual machines).

The report should guide us in the planning of an optimized resource utilization.

For example it can give us

  • the time where the most machines are working in parallel (peek)
  • and the time where are the most machines free and lying around (lazy time).

With the report we should be able to plan the schedules in a more balanced way.

If you need more information please ask more precise.


Hi @Stefan__Pappalardo,

Apologies in the delay in adding this comment to progress this conversation.

To confirm, you're looking to generate a more granular view of your resource utilization for a specific date. This report should show the number of resources working at given intervals - presumably that same report would allow you to drill into those numbers to view which resources were working at that time. I'd suppose that a second report would then show the opposite of this (showing numbers of available resources).

A few additional questions from me:

  • At what resolution should the report be in terms of time intervals, or should that be variable based on user input?
  • Should the report only count resources as available/busy if they're occupied/available for the whole time period (i.e. count resources as busy only if they're occupied for the full 1 hour/30 minutes/15 minutes/5 minutes slot) or should there be a measure of utilization be provided instead? (i.e. of the selected resources, there was 80% utilization in a given slot)
  • Would generating the report only for complete days be an issue, or would you want to be able to see this data in near real time?





Robert: At what resolution should the report be in terms of time intervals, or should that be variable based on user input?
Stefan: Variable, minute, hour, day, week, month, year

Robert: Should the report only count resources as available/busy if they're occupied/available for the whole time period (i.e. count resources as busy only if they're occupied for the full 1 hour/30 minutes/15 minutes/5 minutes slot) or should there be a measure of utilization be provided instead? (i.e. of the selected resources, there was 80% utilization in a given slot)
Stefan: Depends on the resolution and the current view. When resolution is minute and view is set to hours of a day, then the 15 minutes of an hour should show 1/4 of the related hour.

Robert: Would generating the report only for complete days be an issue, or would you want to be able to see this data in near real time?
Stefan: Real time.