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Level 6
Status: New
The application manager offers two attributes after spying an SAP-element:
- ComponentType
- ID

When setting the match type to "Wildcard", Blue Prism cannot find the element. So wildcard search seems not to work here. It would be great if wildcards are also available for SAP elements as this would reduce the need for custom built solutions where the complete ID is not know in advance.

In addition to this it should be possible for read-stages to have a "Get ID"-option. When you combine both, we could do the following:

- Set the attribute ID in application manager to dynamic
- insert a read stage, set the ID parameter to wildcard und put in the parts you know
- use the new "Get ID" option to get the complete id

For further processing the ID could be cached in a data item und nomore wildcard search is needed because the ID is already known.
1 Comment
Level 5
UiPath made it available, BP should also make it work....
Link to UIPath forum explaining the issue and solution: