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Level 12
Status: Needs More Info

When adding a Calc stage directly connected to another Calc stage, often they belong together and, in hindsight, would have been a MultiCalc instead. Changing to a MultiCalc however, requires copying the Calc properties to the MultiCalc, adding your new calculation to the MultiCalc and removing the 'old' Calc.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could convert a Calc stage to a MultiCalc stage by Right-Clicking it and select where you want it to go?
Obviously, when you have a MultiCalc you might want to convert it to a Calc stage or stages in the same manner.

Why not just remove the possibility to add a single calc stage and only have multi calcs? Can't think of a situation where I would not like to have the option to add a new calculation to a calc stage.
Community Team
Community Team

Hi Paul, 

Thanks for submitting your idea, the team really like it. I’ve updated the status to Under Consideration and you will see updates here as it progresses through the process.

Best Regards,


Status changed to: Needs More Info

Hi @PvD_SE,

Thanks for taking the time to raise an idea.

Having thought this idea over, I was inclined to mark it as Not Planned but the comment from @alexander.breyholtz in the comments caught my eye and gave me pause.

In Blue Prism Enterprise, Calc stages are simpler than MultiCalc stage because you need fewer clicks to get into the actual expression editing and store in options, so I don't think the idea would go down to well in the current Studios, but we are in the process of designing/creating our new web-based design interfaces which we're calling Automation Studio, and this one might be worth considering for that new interface.

My rationale for this is we're rethinking a lot of the user interaction with the UI and stages as we design these new interfaces, so we could consider doing away with "Calc" stages and only having "MulitCalc" (we'd probably need to revisit the naming convention) and at the same time making it much easier to just "add an additional calculation" within the context of a "Calc v.2" stage in Automation Studio.

What are your thoughts on that? I'd also like to hear from any community upvoters who have an opinion as well. I'm going to mark this idea as Needs More Info awaiting feedback.


