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Level 4
Status: Not Planned

​I would like to be able to see the number of successful cases worked and the number of exceptions raised against each session in the control room. This would make it easier to monitor from an Admin point of view - rather than having to check each queue for new additions, or have emails on completion telling me how many of each has been done, I can just look in the control room, see it's completed and the summary of cases worked.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Not Planned

Hello @EmmaBurns ,

Thanks for taking the time to raise an idea.

Given the amount of time this idea has been open and given that it has not passed the required vote threshold to be considered for roadmap (vote count is currently 3), I'm going to mark this idea as Not Planned. If the votes for this idea increase drastically we can revisit this, or alternatively if any other ideas for the same enhancement exist then votes from this idea can be merged into the alternate.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


