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Level 3
Status: New
When it comes to logging the activity of stages, there are three different possibilities (active, inactive, error only). Usually certain stages should be logged and others don't need to be logged. As you can change this staus for each state individually, for a selected group of stages or all stages at the same time, at some point in later devopment one might wonder about the logging status of all stages.
--> I propose to add a mode in the process / object studio, where all stages are colored according to their logging status. Just by a click of a button it can be (de)activated and one can easily move through the graph to investigate all status' and doesn' t have to click on each stage individually to investigateits status.
Level 6

My question is: "What are you trying to acomplish?" Is it finding all stages with a specific logging level? If so, I would instead of coloring prefer a filtered list of stages that match the desired logging level. So you would see all those stages at once instead of having to go to every page of a process/object, scrolling up, down, sideways in order to look for the colored stages.

Level 3
​​I like to have an overview, where I can easily verify the logging status of all stages. In the end stage of a project this would simplify the verification that logging is done accordingly to the design rules.

When filtering stages by logging type, like you suggested, the context of stages in the structure of the flow chart might get lost. In contrast, when coloring all stages stay visible and the the context of individual stages is still recognisable. One could asign different colors to the different logging types, for example:

red - logging active (to highlight it is an important part of the program)
green - error logging only (I do not expect an error to appear, but when it happens, I want to know directly.)
yellow - logging disabled (Are you shure you never want to log the activity of this stage?)

As the color would distract when creating a program, a mode-select button would be handy to active / deactivate the color filter.
Level 5
Agree with Conrad. We have coding standards that govern what should be logged, and verifying them is impossible without going into every stage individually! Colour-coding would be super-useful.