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Status: Planned-Later

Currently we are not finding an option for double click using AA and UIA mode.
But there are lot of actions which are dependent on AA and UIA mode and it's difficult to send double click for that particular action.
I have tried various ways by sending Global mouse click twice but it never worked.
Please let me know if any work around or take it as an Enhancement.

Level 5
I absolutely agree, I had the same issue on one win32 application, that could only use AA mode, the only workaround for this that worked for me was to get the coordinates of the element with Get Screen Bounds, calculate the middle and use a navigate stage to the root of the application in the modeller and use Global Double Mouse Click with calculated coordinates. Hope this helps.
HI Lubos,

Please tell me how you calculated the middle after getting screen bounds. Please help me with that.

Hi Amlan, 

We understand that having double-click action available across all spy modes is valuable. Therefore, we are trying to pursue this in our Next Gen platform where we are fundamentally improving our spying infrastructure. To set the right expectations, I ask that you remain patient with us while we work on that. 

Our Next Generation of Application Modelling should open a lot of door for our developers to be more performant in their ability to model and utilise applications. 



Thanks Omid for you reply and look into the matter. I am expecting in Next Gen App modeller must have those options. I can say it's really pain for us to develop scenarios that fall under these categories. Hopefully in future it will resolve.


Thanks for the answer @omidhosseinitabar

Does it include adding the capability to double click elements spied using Smart Vision as well?