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Level 12
Status: New

As we're iterating through a collection, there are a number of cases where we want to make updates to the input data. When these data sets are in the thousands of rows, it's typically better on memory usage to use the same Collection in the input and output tabs.

One of the .NET quirks of this dataset, is that making these sorts of changes will set the current row to 1 each time. So if you use a Collection within a Loop stage and make changes to the Collection within that same Loop, you'll end up creating an infinite loop because it will never reach the last row. It would be useful to have an action in the Internal Object for Collections to set DataGrid.CurrentRowIndex or something equivalent in order to prevent these infinite loop scenarios.

Level 6
Also an Get current row number action would be very good to have instead of always have to program a manual counter
Level 2

Hey I am also facing same issue could you please help in this.

Agree with Ami and Orjan's comment as well -- having to make a manual counter data item to access the current row in a loop when you're actually already at that row in your loop feels incredibly awkward.