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Status: Not Planned

The BP DB contains a lot of information that could useful for admin/BAU/audit/upgrade yet much of it cannot be extracted into a report. It would be nice to have a suite of reports made available. For example:

  • Asset inventory
    • All objects, pages, input/outputs, descriptions
    • Top-down dependencies, ie what objects, queues etc each process uses
    • Bottom-up dependencies, eg what is using each object, queues etc
    • Credentials - expiry date, last used date, access rights etc
    • Queue volumes
    • Asset 'last used date' (eg what is obsolete)
  • Activity reports
    • Session history including termination reasons
    • Change log per process/object/whatever
    • Activity log per resource (which machines are used most and least)
  • User reports
    • Users, roles, permissions etc
    • Activity per user
    • Current user activity (who's logged in now, who's got control room open etc)
  • System reports
    • All BP client system settings (for comparing environments)

Perhaps users could call stored procedures via Data Gateways instead of having to query tables directly.

Level 12
​There is user report available but it lacks any structure that would make it useful for further analysis.
It would be also nice to have the possiblity to create custom reports, similar to tiles and dashboards. Like drag&drop of KPIs and dimensions as columns and selecting the output format, like (unstructured) summary report, column based CSV, ...
Status changed to: Not Planned

Hi @John__Carter,

Thanks for taking the time to raise this idea.

As the number of votes has remained quite low, despite the time it has been open (current vote count is 12) I'm going to mark this as Not Planned for now. If the votes for this idea increase drastically we can revisit this, or alternatively if any other ideas for the same enhancement exist then votes from this idea can be merged into the alternate.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


