Could we finally get a native & simple way of rolling back to a previous version of Blue Prism (after an upgrade), which would not require using database backup files manually etc.?
For years it has been a tragicomic fact that whenever a new Blue Prism version is released, which is not a specific hotfix for a known issue, several existing features are broken in the application.
Even with all sorts of pre-upgrade testing plans organizations can't always identify the bugs & issues with the new version (which should be done anyway by Blue Prism before releasing the version) before upgrading their real PROD & DEV environments.
This leads to situations that organizations need to:
a) wait that somebody else finds & reports crucial bugs, and then make the upgrade decision.
b) risk their environment by potentially introducing new critical bugs/broken features.
c) prepare for unnecessarily complicated rollback procedures (DB, local installations etc), which will take time + some data will be lost no matter what.