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Level 12
Status: Not Planned

Rather than have a process on a schedule set to periodically check a queue for data to work, add an optional work queue setting to automatically kick off a process on a designated resource/pool once there are items to be worked. This would remove the need for 24/7 monitoring processes which may quickly fill the various log tables, while lowering the traffic throughput to the controller/database.

Work queues can be populated by new and/or existing feeder processes.

Level 3
This sounds very similar to Blue Prism's Active Queues. I'm not sure what version of Blue Prism you're running but 6.4.1 has them. They are very similar to Work Queues, but with the additional configuration of assigning a single process and a resource group. Active queues are a relatively new feature and therefore are not as mature/usable as other features. I'm sure others will weigh in with their experiences with getting Active Queues to work.
Their current plague, I believe, is that it requires a controller to actively bump up the Target Resource count for the resource group to start working the active queue.

I believe that once an active queue can sense that it has items to work and that it either auto-adjusts the target resource count, active queues will be a very attractive option.
Level 12
We're still running 5.4 in our environment, which is in a similar state. We have a custom piece of controller software which currently handles it as you describe it should be; That's more of where I'm looking for this idea to go as far as anything OOB is concerned.
Level 3
That's excellent! If I may ask, is your implementation a Windows service that runs on the application server and interacts with AutomateC.exe or directly with the Blue Prism database? I understand if you prefer not to answer.
Level 12
Precisely that, yes (Both AutomateC and the BP database). It also has a built-in mail handler which can be used to kick off processes without needing to tie up a license. It's got a few other odds and ends that aren't OOB, but those are the only ones relevant to this particular "Idea".
You're right Jason, Active Queues aren't all that active. Long term the aim is to have what Amy describes but unfortunately we're not there yet.
Level 3
In my fiddling around I noticed that even updating the database record to have a `targetresource` count is not sufficient in triggering the processing of the active queue items. It seems to only be triggered on the UI control.
Community Team (Retired)
Hi Ami,

Thanks for submitting your idea! It looks like a similar feature to this is now available in Blue Prism Cloud and is being routed into Enterprise as well. Does the functionality that is currently available deliver on you request here, or is there additional functionality you'd like to see implemented? 

Community Team (Retired)
Hi Ami,

Due to lack of follow-up, we've discussed this idea internally again, and we believe that this request may have been fulfilled by the recent Blue Prism Cloud features that have been integrated into Enterprise. 

As a result, we've marked this idea as Not Planned. If you'd like to discuss further, please feel free to leave another comment and we can review. 

Thank you,