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Level 6
Status: Reviewed
Would be good if there was an option for the resource to record the screen as it is running. Sometimes there can be issues that are not easy to replicate and sitting watching a resource is not always possible.
If there was functionality added to Blue Prism to record the running session we can then use that alongside the logs to see why an issue is happening
Level 12
We use a product called ObserveIT that does exactly that.
Level 15

There is an option in Blue Prism to take a screenshot on exception.  I think there are limits to it in terms of only storing a screenshot of the last exception for a session etc.  The screenshots can be accessed via control room.

Word of warning though - should you be recording or taking screenshots of a computer logged in by another user (in this case a robotic user),  where the screen could potentially be showing customer and/or financial information??   We created a screenshot on exception functionality 12+ years ago for one of our first foundation customers (a large UK bank) thinking it would help understand exceptions, the bank insisted we removed the screenshot functionality because we should never be looking at the screen of another logged in user.

Level 12
As with Denis' screenshots, the results should not be accessible for developers. With our ObserveIT solution, I as a developer have no access. Same goes for the location where the screenshots are saved.

Hello @jgregor4


Thank you for raising, this sounds interested and any implementation around this would need to consider who can monitor the recordings and who has access, alongside the technical challenge to observe but not disrupt the Digital Worker user.


Related idea:


I’ve set this to Reviewed, which means we have all the info we need and are planning to review the idea for implementation feasibility and value added to the product. Ideas with this status are still open to community voting and discussion..


CC: @PvD_SE and @Denis__Dennehy


Kind regards

Chris Strong

Blue Prism Product Manager
