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Level 12
When developing a process, one tries to put in the effort to structure it well so even another developer can understand what is going on in there. The same goes for our Process Controllers that run the processes in production. When running the process, they have a schedule that presents them with the Startup Parameters and their descriptions and the default values that can be adjusted.
Or so I thought!

Last few days we've been entangled in what a certain parameter name 'Email' was used for. Is is used for sending to, or is it used form sending from? I merely pointed to the descriptive text as defined in the process Startup Parameters, being 'certain' the descriptive text would pop up in the scheduler panel. As it appears, the names of the Startup Parameters are shown in the Scheduler, but the description of each parameter is not shown. Why this is is beyond me, but I do know that this definitely should be added in some form, manner, or shape. Why else would I make the effort to add a proper description to each parameter?

To be honest, I was puzzled by this shortcoming. I've been working with BP since 2017 and never before needed to visit the scheduler panel details in production. Why wouldn't the description for each parameter, that BP makes us fill out, and where many of us hopefully take the time to give it a suitable value, be shown on that panel? [SadEmojiWithQuestionMark]

As I see it, we have three options:
  • The descriptive text is added to the scheduler panel
  • The descriptive text is displayed as a 'hover' text on the scheduler panel
  • We don't do a thing and hope for the best
My vote is on either option 1 or 2 and would translate to a thumbs up. Option 3 is the equivalent of thumbs down and only there for the folks that do not care what the UI looks like. What do you reckon?

Happy coding!

Hello  Paul JHM van Doorn


Thank you for raising this request, I was also surprised to read this and to then also discover we do not surface the description within Control Room.


I do not see a good reason as to why the description isn’t included, alongside the name of the property.


Changing status to Under Consideration.


Thank you

Chris Strong

Blue Prism Product Manager

Level 5

We need this so much!

There is this place toleave comments for Inputs, but then you cannoot reach the comments from anywhere!

So I suggest not only them to be visible from the control room as Paul suggested,
but when I write them in object action, I want to be visible for the developer of a process who is using the action.