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Level 3
Status: Reviewed

Audit is becoming more of a challenge all the time and they are asking for detailed logs for every thing we do.
One of our biggest problems is setting up of user ids and removing of access.
We like to use the clone tool to grant and remove access by cloning against preformated "profile ids" .
This saves us huge amounts of time in setting up access, anywhere from 10-15 min per id.
The issue is there does not appear to be audit tracing on what is added and removed when the Clone ID is used.
We would like to request improved logging to show what accesses (roles, security groups, User privileges get added and removed during the cloning of Id process)
thank you

1 Comment
This requirement is included in the backlog for Admin Modernization. 

The Admin Audit Trail currently captures a before and after record for each individual Add, Update, or Delete from a legacy Admin screen.  The legacy Clone Admin screen is unique and does not currently populate the before/after snapshots as you described.
1. Multiple administrative tables are updated as part of the same experience and are done programmatically instead of "row by row" so access to the before and after snapshots is "different"
2. Selecting "Replace" means first recording all of the from/to deletes, then recording the adds, resulting in a large volume of change from one request that may be difficult to interpret.