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Blue Prism Foundation -> Section 4 -> Output parameters Get Value from

Level 2

Hello, everybody! First of all let me say sorry if this ended up in the wrong category if so I would appreciate being pointed out at the correct location. I have a question about one of the lessons in the Blue Prism Foundation Training:

In section 4 Input and Outputs, at minute 5:11, in the training it is shown that in the "End stage" properties there is a column to select a parameter where the value of another parameter should be gotten from "Get value from".

When I try to do that step in the course I only get a "Store In" column and I don't see where I can change the column to be "Get value from". Do you know how I can do that?Screenshot 2024-07-08 102817.png

I mention that I use the Learning Edition of Blue prism


Level 2

I also noticed this, was this ever an issue for you?

Level 5

It's seems to be just a labeling bug, we have noticed it just recently in v7.3.1.
It was OK in v7.1.1 (we never had any version in between).