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Celebrating your Love of Learning #sweetcertification


We celebrate our Blue Prism University learners EVERYDAY, but this Valentine's Day we're feeling especially sweet. That's why we've decided to give away 10 Free Certification Exam Vouchers and 10 Half-Off Certification Exam Vouchers to 20 learners who love learning as much we do!

Here's how to enter:

  1. Enroll and complete all 3 (three) of the following training courses Introduction to Blue Prism Capture, Blue Prism Process Assessment Tool and Cyber Security in an automated world, AND
  2. Complete the Blue Prism University Adoption Survey – make sure to include your name so that we can include you in the draw, AND
  3. Take a picture with the training completion/participation certificate and post it on the Learning Community with the hashtag #sweetcertification from 15th February 2021 to 21st February 2021 by 11:59pm GMT
Our team has packaged these up in a Love Learning Plan just for you!

For your convenience, training certificates of completion and participation are available free of charge at Blue Prism University. Entrants are limited to one entry during the Entry Period and are expected to start and complete the learning within the Entry Period. Learning and/or course completions that started outside of the Entry Period will not be considered.

Official Rules apply - more information here.

Get started!

Happy Learning!

Bronwyn Lanning
Blue Prism

Level 2
#sweetcertification #BPUniversity #Certification


Lucas Oliveira

Level 2
So excited to be a part of this learning journey! 🙂


Ausrine Stankeviciute
RPA Developer

Completed the Learning. Cheers to Weekend Learnings.


#sweetcertification #BPUniversity #Certification

Thanks & Regards,
Tejaskumar Darji

Level 2

Celebrating your Love of Learning  #sweetcertification #BPUniversity #Certification

Anusha Somasundaram

Level 3
#sweetcertification #BPUniversity #Certification



Pedro Abujamra
RPA Developer
TR Process - Sonda Procwork

Level 2
#sweetcertification#BPUniversity #Certification

Felipe SIlva
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Mensagem Original:
Enviado: 14-02-2021 08:36
De: Bronwyn Lanning
Assunto: Celebrando seu amor pelo aprendizado #sweetcertificação


Celebramos nossos alunos da Blue Prism University TODOS OS DIAS, mas neste Dia dos Namorados estamos nos sentindo especialmente doces. É por isso que decidimos distribuir 10 Vouchers de Exame de Certificação Gratuitos e 10 Vouchers de Exame de Certificação Half-Off para 20 alunos que adoram aprender tanto quanto nós!

Veja como entrar:

  1. Matricular e completar todos os 3 (três) dos seguintes cursos de treinamento Introdução ao azul prisma de captura , azul Prism Processo Ferramenta de Avaliação e Cyber Security em um mundo automatizado , E
  2. Preencha a Pesquisa de Adoção da Blue Prism University - certifique-se de incluir seu nome para que possamos incluí-lo no sorteio, E
  3. Tire uma foto com o certificado de conclusão do treinamento / participação e colocá-la na Comunidade de Aprendizagem com a hashtag #sweetcertification de 15 th fev 2021 a 21 de fevereiro de 2021 por 23:59 GMT
Nossa equipe empacotou isso em um Plano de Aprendizagem do Amor só para você!

Para sua conveniência, certificados de conclusão e participação de treinamento estão gratuitamente disponíveis na Blue Prism University . Os participantes são incluídos a uma entrada durante o período de inscrição e devem começar e concluir o início do período de inscrição. Conclusões de aprendizagem e / ou o curso que definir fora do período de inscrição não serão considerados.

Aplicam-se as regras oficiais - mais informações aqui .


Aprendizagem feliz!

Bronwyn Lanning
Blue Prism
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Level 5
Successfully completed the mini-courses with my mini friends @ home. Blue Prism Capture, PAT tools are great additions to the BluePrism toolbelt and Cybersecurity session and best practice was tremendously useful. Looking forward to discussing the learnings with my team tomorrow. #sweetcertification #BPUniversity #Certification #winnerbp


Santhosh Vijayabaskar
Program Manager
Fidelity Investments
Covington KY

Level 2
 #sweetcertification #BPUniversity #Certification #winnerbp


Ruben Pretel

Thank you to everyone who supported and took part in our Celebration of your Love of Learning in our #sweetcertification​ promotion!

We are working our way through validating the entries and those that meet the requirements of the Official Rules will be entered into the prize drawing to be held on 1st March 2021.  We will then notify the winners accordingly!

We hope that you enjoyed these short courses!  Head over to Blue Prism University to continue your love of learning and sign up for more free courses!

Best wishes,

The Blue Prism University Team!

Bronwyn Lanning
Blue Prism

Thank you, @Bronwyn Lanning and the BluePrism learning team for giving us this ​​​great opportunity. The self-paced simulation-style training modules for Capture and PAT tools were simply awesome and helped in accelerated learning. Thanks again for encouraging us with #sweetcertification challenge.​

Santhosh Vijayabaskar
Program Manager
Fidelity Investments
Covington KY
Original Message:
Sent: 02-22-2021 08:36
From: Bronwyn Lanning
Subject: Celebrating your Love of Learning #sweetcertification

Thank you to everyone who supported and took part in our Celebration of your Love of Learning in our #sweetcertification​ promotion!

We are working our way through validating the entries and those that meet the requirements of the Official Rules will be entered into the prize drawing to be held on 1st March 2021.  We will then notify the winners accordingly!

We hope that you enjoyed these short courses!  Head over to Blue Prism University to continue your love of learning and sign up for more free courses!

Best wishes,

The Blue Prism University Team!

Bronwyn Lanning
Blue Prism

Original Message:
Sent: 02-14-2021 08:36
From: Bronwyn Lanning
Subject: Celebrating your Love of Learning #sweetcertification


We celebrate our Blue Prism University learners EVERYDAY, but this Valentine's Day we're feeling especially sweet. That's why we've decided to give away 10 Free Certification Exam Vouchers and 10 Half-Off Certification Exam Vouchers to 20 learners who love learning as much we do!

Here's how to enter:

  1. Enroll and complete all 3 (three) of the following training courses Introduction to Blue Prism Capture, Blue Prism Process Assessment Tool and Cyber Security in an automated world, AND
  2. Complete the Blue Prism University Adoption Survey – make sure to include your name so that we can include you in the draw, AND
  3. Take a picture with the training completion/participation certificate and post it on the Learning Community with the hashtag #sweetcertification from 15th February 2021 to 21st February 2021 by 11:59pm GMT
Our team has packaged these up in a Love Learning Plan just for you!

For your convenience, training certificates of completion and participation are available free of charge at Blue Prism University. Entrants are limited to one entry during the Entry Period and are expected to start and complete the learning within the Entry Period. Learning and/or course completions that started outside of the Entry Period will not be considered.

Official Rules apply - more information here.

Get started!

Happy Learning!

Bronwyn Lanning
Blue Prism