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🔹Pearson VUE Testing Updates🔹

Please see below for the most recent updates to test delivery affected by COVID-19 across the globe   India PPCs and TTC: Pearson VUE must extend the suspension of exam delivery through June 6thAppointment availability begins June 7thAffected candida...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Ongoing access issue with

We are aware of the ongoing certificate issue with and our teams are trying to resolve this as quickly as possible. Access will resume as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Blue Prism University Find...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Blue Prism University website error

We are aware that there is an issue with the website at the moment and our team are working on getting this resolved.Access will resume as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Blue Prism University Fin...

🔹Pearson VUE Testing Updates🔹

Please see below for the most recent updates to test delivery affected by COVID-19 across the globe   Mexico City, Mexico PPC: Pearson VUE must extend the suspension of exam delivery through May 30th Appointment availability begins May 31st ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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❗ NEW - Blue Prism Associate Developer ❗

Blue Prism University have released a new Associate Developer Certification Exam for entry level users which focuses on testing the essential skills and knowledge required to configure a simple Blue Prism process automation solution. Available in En...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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🔹Pearson VUE Testing Updates🔹

Please see below for the most recent updates to test delivery affected by COVID-19 across the globe   Hawaii PPC Effective immediately, Pearson VUE are able to increase appointment capacity to 100% (from 50%)   New Mexico PPC: Effective ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Self-test not loading (Developer Mandatory Training)

Hello, everyone!I'm currently studying the Blueprism Developer Certification learning plan, I'm in the Developer Mandatory Training Session. But when I click on the self-tests, none of them load. I tried on Firefox and Edge, but without success. Can ...

fgaia by Level 3
  • 1 replies

🔹Pearson VUE Testing Updates🔹

Here are the most recent updates to test delivery affected by COVID-19 across the globe. Pearson Vue is closely monitoring the changing health and safety recommendations and operating restrictions by state, province, and country, and they are adjusti...

Collection field format

 I'm  trying to read data from SQL to a collection, but when I get data to a collection, the text format is getting changed.Eg: When I see the values of text field in a collection, the default format is plain text, without newline or a tab space in i...

🔹Pearson VUE Testing Updates🔹

Here are the most recent updates to test delivery affected by COVID-19 across the globe. Pearson Vue is closely monitoring the changing health and safety recommendations and operating restrictions by state, province, and country, and they are adjusti...

Blue Prism Local User Group

Being the community lead for New Delhi, Gurgaon & Noida I will love to invite you to check out our Blue Prism Local User Groups. Local User Group program empowers our customers and partners to organize and host local events and meet-ups, "led by you...

🔹Pearson VUE Testing Updates🔹

Please see below for the most recent updates to test delivery affected by COVID-19 across the globe   India PPCs and TTC: Effective May 14, Pearson VUE will temporarily suspend exam delivery across India through May 30Challenging conditions throughou...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Have questions about Certifications? We have answers!

Check out our FAQ page for information about Certifications, Digital Badging, where to find the trial license and much more. If you still have questions, just contact us by filling out our contact form. Blue Prism University  Find your next course!Bo...