date function
why I am getting a different result. please help!and where can I get more information on "Functions".------------------------------Raghib Ehsan------------------------------
why I am getting a different result. please help!and where can I get more information on "Functions".------------------------------Raghib Ehsan------------------------------
Hi All,I'm using VS2019 and C# to create a custom DLL to parse a Flat File and return a DataTable.I'm using the latest developer version of BP (6.6.015260) I have chosen .Net 4.7 as the target framework.My DLL references System, System.Core, System.D...
Hi,I want to replace the spaces with string "_" in multiple rows of a collection. Blue Prism allows to do so with replace function for first row only. How can it be done for multiple rows?Thanks------------------------------shah s--------------------...
Why am I getting a different answer? please help!and where can i get more information on "Functions" ------------------------------Raghib Ehsan------------------------------
Hi team,I want to know how to integrate with cyber ark.------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------
Hi team, What are the major difference and how to decide which tool is better at enterprise level.------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------
Hi,I'm trying to use OLEDB VBO to conenect to Racle DB. Following i my connection string. While executing "Open" Action to open connection in Oracle, it is throwing me the error - "ora-28009: connection as sys should be as sysdba or sysoper". Please ...
Hi,Are they concepts Trigges like in AA, Whenerver file creates//Server starts need to run my bot.------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------
Hi ,How to schedule a bot? Did autlogin features supports by BP?------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------
Hi ,How to automate the applicaiton runs in VDI/client machines.------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------
Hi ,I wan to know the details about professional certification exam detals. ------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------
Blue Prism in partnership with Tata Consultancy Services to train the students of Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad on Connected RPA. Students who earns AD01 digital badge will get an opportunity to join TCS. Blue Pr...
Hi, i'm looking for some recommendations for training courses to take, for developers wanting to write Code stages. Assume no previous .Net or VB experience.I've been working with Blue Prism for 5 years, and whilst I can knock together some pretty b...
Hello,While doing the consolidation exercise in section 11. I reached "Exercise 1.1.4 Working the Items", it reads: - Check to see if an Item has been returned.- Tip: The file only has fifteen orders ....The csv "orders" file does not include returne...
Hi, I have a collection of data which contains URLs. I want to extract few data from each URL. How can I do that? I tried with navigating to URL box in IE then pasting URL from collection but it throws error. Please guide. Thanks-------------------...
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