Level 3
since ‎17-04-19

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Hi, I have used a UIA Mode for Clicking a button in windows application. The click work fine in attended mode but when we are running the bot in unattended mode, the  Global Click Centre fails. The element I am spying is only identified in UIA mode(...
Hi I have been trying to use Auro IMAP VBO which I have downloaded from Blue Prism Digital Exchange . This VBO is uses IMAP Protocol for getting messages. Using this VBO I am able to get normal email messages which have no attachments . But this VBO...
Hi I have been trying to use Auro IMAP VBO which I have downloaded from Blue Prism Digital Exchange . This VBO is uses IMAP Protocol for getting messages. Using this VBO I am able to get normal email messages which have no attachments . But this VB...
Hi    I am unable to spy some elements in Java Mode . I have enabled the Java Access Bridge and also installed JRE 8 . Only elements i can spy is buttons and all the menu items not getting spied. Can anyone please help me in identifying the issue w...