Level 2
since ‎17-04-19

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Hello, We have automated 13 distinct websites through BLUE PRISM and in these websites we are storing userid and password using credential manager and retrieving further. In one Website we are facing the following issue: we are storing the userid ...
I am working on automating Flash Websites, Neither of the spy modes recognize the Flash entities on the webpages. My query is Does Blue Prism has inbuilt VBOs for Flash Based content or any external support is required ? What procedure needs to be...
Hi Folks, I have a tabular data on a website say in the format: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 checkbox1 Name1 data1 checkbox2 Name2 data2 checkbox3 Name3 data3 and so on... Each row in "Column 1" is a checkbox. I want to put a ...